作者:Harry Minium

在COVID-19大流行迫使旧道明大学关闭校园之前, study hall was a weekly event for the women's basketball team.

Players would gather to do homework, study or write papers under the watchful eyes of Lubbock Smith III, ODU's director of Student-Athlete Development and 领导 项目.

Regardless of a player's academic standing, former coach Nikki McCray-Penson deemed study hall was mandatory.


The Monarchs gather each Sunday evening via Zoom, 一个基于云的视频会议平台,允许所有玩家彼此看到并作为一个团队学习.


The academic services team, 由负责学生运动员服务的副体育主任罗恩·摩西领导, is tasked with monitoring, tutoring and mentoring athletes.

Moses' team has produced great results. A total of 62% of ODU athletes had at least a 3.在秋季学期,平均成绩为0分,而143名运动员在院长名单上. Athletes had a combined GPA of 3.01 in the fall, and 30 had a perfect 4.0的绩点.

ODU的学术团队也为运动员的问题或挫折提供友好的倾听. 在冠状病毒引起的“新常态”期间,这一点尤为重要.

“他们不知道未来会怎样,他们对未知感到害怕," said Morgan Sumner, 他在2019年与肯塔基橄榄球队合作,并为ODU的足球防守球员提供建议. Sarah Walker counsels the offensive players.

"My football players want to know if they will play this fall. 学生们总是向我们寻求答案,但事实是,没有人真正知道. 我们试着说服他们不要压力太大,要坚强地结束这个学期."

摩西说,一旦很明显,运动员不会很快回到校园, his group reached out to all 500 athletes.

“在和他们谈论功课之前,我们的第一个指示是了解他们的学习情况,摩西说. “橄榄球队正准备回来参加春季训练,却被抢走了. This has been hard on all of them."

即便如此, 运动员们似乎比他们的许多学术顾问预期的更容易适应在线课程.

大多数课程都是通过Zoom进行的,几乎所有的运动员似乎都很快掌握了如何在线上课的基本知识. 许多学生已经开始上在线课程,部分原因是这意味着他们在开学季缺课的时间更少.

"I've been really impressed with how well the athletes have done, but maybe I shouldn't have been surprised," said Erin Cousins, student-athlete educational support specialist, who reports to ODU's Office of Educational 可访问性.

"They really grew up on the internet. 他们适应得很好,适应得很快,而且他们对提问持开放态度."

Swimmer Katie Ellett, a junior from Rockville, Md., is a rock star in the classroom - she has a 3.在攻读体育和健身管理学位,辅修市场营销的同时,GPA达到了9分.

埃利特说,她向网络的过渡是无缝的,她喜欢Zoom. "I like that you're able to 分享 your screen," she said. "While you're in class, you can see what the professors are doing, in addition to listening to the lectures."

克里斯汀·伊登是学生运动员学术服务中心的主任,负责监督日常运作. Before classes began, 她与每个团队成员都进行了会议,其中包括关于Zoom工作原理的幻灯片演示.

从那时起, 她和其他人每天都通过电话或Zoom联系学生, making up to a hundred calls a day.

Prior to the coronavirus, 学术团队成员可以在办公室里同时与几个学生交谈. Now, for the most part, they're talking with athletes one-on-one.

"When they're in front of you, 你可以分诊,艾米·林奇说。, who works with the men's basketball players. "But there's only one phone. They're all going through the same thing. Their day isn't what they had when they were on campus. That has been a difficult adjustment for them."

"Our football guys are going crazy," Sumner added. “他们不练习,所以他们现在给我打电话的次数比我亲自见他们的次数要多. I'm happy to hear from them and do whatever I can to help them. I miss seeing them succeed in person."

埃利特与伊登和考辛斯一起工作,她说他们帮助她顺利过渡到在线课程,并帮助她处理离开校园的问题, her coach and teammates.

"I have called Kristin at weird times on the weekend," Ellett said. "I realize she has kids at home and she's been great about me calling. The way they have juggled everything to help us has been impressive."

像高尔夫、网球和足球这样的球队有很多国际学生. 当一堂课在ODU举行时,对他们来说可能是半夜或凌晨.

Lynch said she's up early each morning, when it is the early afternoon in Europe, to speak to her international players. On Tuesdays, her biggest day of the week, work begins at 8 a.m. and doesn't end until well after 10 p.m.

冠状病毒还迫使学术团队有时在压力下在家工作. 艾登的丈夫是负责运营的副体育总监里克·弗兰奇(Rick French). They have two children at home.

George, 3, used to be in day care and Faithe at Granby High School. 弗伦奇和伊登在房子的不同地方安排了工作,轮流照顾乔治.


"That's the hardest part for me," Eden said. “我不会看到他们突然来到我的办公室,听我讲好故事,只是闲逛. I miss that interaction with them."

Lynch said being away from teammates and campus is the No. 1 subject her athletes talk about.

林奇说:“他们明白事态有多严重,他们所做的是必要的。. "But it's human nature to miss something you love so much."

"We're trying to provide as much help as possible," Walker added. “如果你是为了谋生而做这件事,那是因为你喜欢帮助学生.

"They're the ones we're here for. We're here to help them be as successful as possible."

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