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RESEARCH生 assistantships are available to full-time graduate students who meet the requirements listed under the RESEARCH生 Assistantship Guidelines. 津贴因项目和大学而异. 要了解可用的助学金,请联系您的RESEARCH生项目主任. 你的项目之外的助教奖学金也可以通过广告 职业发展服务学生参与 & 注册服务.


RESEARCH生助理(GA)预计将直接参与教学, RESEARCH, 或支持大学学术活动的行政职责, RESEARCH, 服务单位.

It is the University's intention to make the assistantship an integral 和 valuable part of the student's graduate education. 它应该被看作是教学、RESEARCH或行政服务方面的学徒.



直接参与支持大学行政单位的活动.g. 学生服务或体育).


Participates directly in RESEARCH or support activities conducted by faculty members or administrators. The University recognizes two categories of graduate RESEARCH assistant responsibilities 和 activities: GRA-教师 Assistants 和 GRA-Project Assistants

  • 助教协助教师进行非资助的RESEARCH活动.
  • GRA-Project Assistants assist faculty on sponsored RESEARCH projects funded through external grants 和 contracts managed by the bet8体育娱乐入口 RESEARCH Foundation, 或通过教育基金会或捐赠帐户产生的资金.


直接参与教学活动, 比如一门课程的教学, 负责实验室的工作, 或被分配到特定的教学支持或相关活动. The University recognizes two levels of graduate teaching assistant responsibilities 和 activities: GTA-Instructors 和 GTA-Assistants.

  • GTA-Instructors directly communicate 和 interact with students in ways that lead to the conveyance of knowledge or skills required to successfully complete the course. 这一类包括担任讲师的RESEARCH生, 实验室主管, 习题课的领导人, 和导师.
  • GTA-Assistants do not directly instruct students; instead, 他们担任评分员和/或教室或实验室助理.



由大学支付的RESEARCH生助学金申请表, 肝, 和GAAs)可以从招生办公室或大学的网页上获得. 填妥的表格, together with a brief essay by the applicant discussing academic interests 和 career objectives, must be submitted to the appropriate graduate program director or office making the appointment, 尽快进行充分的考虑. Applications for GRA positions funded through ODURF are made through the faculty member who is the principal investigator, 系主任, 或者RESEARCH生项目主任.


  1. Only students admitted to graduate degree programs in regular or provisional status on the basis of complete 和 fully evaluated credentials 和 in good academic st和ing are eligible for appointment to a graduate assistantship. Additional criteria apply for appointment as a graduate teaching assistant (GTA) (see section on appointments).
  2. All students appointed to a graduate assistantship are required to verify their identity 和 employment eligibility 和 complete an I-9 Form, 根据大学程序, 在开始他们的工作之前. This requirement is established in order to comply with the Immigration Reform 和 Control Act of 1986. 学生还需要填写子女抚养费披露和授权表格, 弗吉尼亚联邦酒精和其他毒品政策表格, ODU使用电子通信和社交媒体表格, 弗吉尼亚联邦兵役表, 及雇员工资直接存入授权书.
  3. 学业成绩不佳的学生没有资格获得助学金. 对于GPA低于3分的学生,助教资格将被终止.0.


RESEARCH生 assistantships require 20 hours per week of service 和 are generally made for a period of one academic year with a nine-month performance period. 对于GTA(指导员和行政助理), the work load should include no more than six hours of classroom teaching or nine contact hours of laboratory supervision per semester, 加上正常的准备时间.

Nominations should be submitted at least 30 days before the semester of employment in order to assure adequate time for processing. A graduate assistant funded through a grant or contract may be appointed for shorter periods if required by the conditions of the grant or contract.

An assistantship workload (20 hours per week) may be divided between teaching 和 RESEARCH duties with the approval of the dean of the appropriate academic college. RESEARCH生助理的任命可在提名后续期, 资历检讨, 以及令人满意的前期表现.


Full-time (20 hours per week) graduate assistants are not permitted to accept additional on-campus employment during the period of their assistantship. 特别是, RESEARCH生助教(RESEARCH生助教, RESEARCH生RESEARCH助理, 和 graduate administrative assistants) may not be paid for part-time teaching or other campus employment for the University in addition to their normal responsibilities. Exceptions to this policy may only be made under unusual circumstances 和 only with the approval of the dean of the appropriate college or equivalent administrator upon the written recommendation of the graduate program director 和 the department/school chair. 任何外部就业(i.e.(校外)应谨慎进行,并与个人资料保护署协商. It should in no way adversely affect academic performance or assistantship duties 和 responsibilities. 信息 on employment guidelines that are specific to international students may be obtained from the Office of Visa 和 Immigration 服务 Advising (VISA).


Should a graduate assistant believe that his/her assigned duties 和/or the workload required to fulfill these duties do not conform to university graduate catalog policies, he/she should first attempt to reconcile the grievance with his/her academic/nonacademic immediate supervisor. 如果不满没有得到解决, the graduate assistant will ask his/her graduate program director (GPD) to mediate the grievance between him/her 和 the immediate supervisor. 如果GPD是学生的直接主管, GPD主席/指定院长将尝试调解. 如果主席是学生的导师, 总局应将案件直接提交院长或院长指定人员. 如果这一行动不能解决冤情, the GPD/chair/dean's designee will seek mediation with the supervisor of the student's immediate supervisor. 如果无法达成解决方案, the chair/dean's designee will appoint an ad hoc committee comprised of two senior faculty members from the student's department 和 one senior faculty member from another department. 如果学生的助学金是非学术单位, 第三名成员将是非学术单位的高级管理人员. 委员会不应该解决申诉吗, 这将提交给学生所在学院的院长作最后决定. 处理涉及性骚扰及/或歧视的事宜, 请参阅本目录中的“学生投诉程序”或“歧视政策”.

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